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Bror Jansson
Tånggatan 9 
820 60 Delsbo 



Tidning — 1 kommentar

  1. I have many Soderlund ancestors from Norrbo, Delsbo, the Lake Dellens area, Hudiksvall, Njurunda, Bergsjö and other places…..it’s hard to keep it all straight! a great uncle, Jonas Abraham was born 1843 in Bergsjô, a great grand, Johan Persson Söderlund was born 1804 in Fônebo.
    I have found a Rut Valborg b 1918, Hudiksvall who is a second cousin, through the sisiter of my 2x great gradn Per Erik Soderlund b 1835..up north in Matfors…they were working in the mills a the time but moved back down to Forsa, gavelan….I have tracked to sister’s line to an Olga Soderlund…
    Deb Glantz Hanna Per Soderlund took the military name Glans but the spelling changed in America to Glantz……

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